About Us
Strategic Plan
View the 2016-2019 Strategic Plan
The Mission of St. Jude’s Anglican Home is to:
- Care for and support older persons in a home-like atmosphere, safe and nurturing environment and support them and their families.
- Employ current best practices.
- Foster healthy employee relationships.
- Advocate for exemplary eldercare.
St. Jude's Anglican Home will be a leader in providing exemplary holistic, complex residential care to the elderly.
The Values of St. Jude’s Anglican Home are:
- Respect for the dignity of every human being
- A homelike atmosphere
- Holistic and resident focused care
- Teamwork
- Accountability
- Continuous improvement
- Education and learning
- Positive employee relations
- Respect for an individual's faith, spirituality and culture
- Respect for the environment by following green and environmentally sound initiatives